Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Slow on Updates

So, I admit it. I've been slow on the updates this past month or so. I could blame the fact that since I'll be leaving the country soon, I was really busy tying up loose ends (at the office or socially), but why lie. I've been lazy and no excuse. Got lots to write about, currently in the chute are:

+ Tweet-a-heat (tweets the temperature)
+ YAUO (Yet Another USB Oscilloscope)
+ Snake Game Ported to a Lego Mindstorm NXT
+ 3D Scanner using a distance sensor.

Pretty cool, huh? Well unfortunate as it may be, but to write entries for each of these would take some time. So one by one I hope to write about these babies ASAP.

Peace, I'm out.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Classic Snake Game


Another simple weekend project, the Classic Snake Game. This one should serve as an example for anyone who wants to learn the anatomy of a snake game (or its clones: Nibbles, Worms etc.). The code is open source and available under GNU GPLv3 for use and reuse. Both, the code and the binaries are available for download at the projects Google Code repository. Be sure to leave your view and comments, they always make my day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

n00b Translator


A simple fun project, which translates L337 to n00b readable English. Open source project, the code is available in the project's Google Code Website. This can serve as a great example for Java text processing.


Stay tuned. :D

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Digital Dice Using ATTiny 2313


Not too long ago, during a game of Monopoly, I thought to myself; "How the hell do I always end up loosing? I bet these dice are loaded!", and right then the geeky idea of building my own digital dice was born.

The Idea was to build a dice that:

  • Produced 100% random result
  • Easy to use, Simple button press and ... result
  • Small enough to carry around with a board game
  • Low power consumption, should run on battery power for long
  • Ensure that every one knows that you are a geek ;)

schematic The hardware is based on an ATTiny 2313 processor, the main features of the hardware:

  • Processor: AVR, ATTiny 2313.
  • 7-Segment LED display (common anode) to display the digits.
  • Thumb Switch to take input from the user
    Thumb Switch
  • Battery as source of power.

So, first I designed the hardware as per the schematics above onto a simple breadboard.

No Problem, simple circuit. I used headers to connect the 7-Segment LED display, this way, I could remove the display as and when required.
Ok, That's done! Now to work on the battery and regulator circuit. Here I decided to use a LM7805 regulator, along with a 1000uF and a 100uF capacitor, to deal with the casual drop in voltage when the circuit starts drawing current. I used common 9V 6LR61 batteries to power the regulator.
For the casing, I got some thin and light ABS Plastic pieces from my throw away waste.
I cut and filed them to a somewhat desirable size.
Drilled a nice hole for thumb switch.

I wrote the code for the processor in assembly, what I am showing here is only the skeleton structure. The complete code is available in the download package.

First is the Reset Vector ,GetButtonPress and the ButtonPressed routines:

   1: .include ""
   3: .org 0x0000
   4:     RJMP Reset    //Code Starts from Address 0x0000
   6: Reset:            //Reset Vector
   7:     RJMP Init
   8:     RJMP GetButtonPress
   9: RJMP Reset
  11: GetButtonPress:
  12:     SBIC PORTD, 3        //Skip if Bit is Clear on PD3
  13:     RJMP GetButtonPress    //Relative Jump to Label
  14:     RJMP ButtonPressed    //Relative Jump to Label
  15: RJMP GetButtonPress
  17: ButtonPressed:
  18:     SBIC PORTD, 3      //Skip if Bit is Set on PD3
  19:     RJMP ShowResult      //Relative Jump to ShowResult
  20:     INC    R17                //Increment Register R17
  21:     INC    R16                //Increment Register R16
  22:     CPI    R17, 0xFF       //Compare Immediate R17 and 0xFF
  23:         BREQ ToggleDP //Branch if Equal to ToggleDP
  24:     LDI R18, 0x06     //Load R18 with with Immediate 0x06
  25:     CPSE R18, R16      //Compare, Skip if Equal
  26:     RJMP ButtonPressed//Relative Jump to ButtonPressed
  27:     CLR    R16              //Clear Register R16
  28: RJMP ButtonPressed

The skeleton routine above does not take into account the debounce of the thumb switch. The thumb switch being used is spring loaded, and has a magnetic catch inside it, so the typical debounce would be around ~80ms. Now, running at 8MIPS (internal RC oscillator), in terms of processor cycles, that would be;  1 sec = 8,000,000 instructions; 1ms = 8,000 instructions; 80ms = 64,000 instructions; That means we need to call nop 64,000 times to debounce the switch correctly.

Next we have the ShowResult routine. This basically displays on our 7-Segment display the value of the roll.

   1: ShowResult:
   2:     LDI    R18, 0x01    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x01
   3:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
   4:         BREQ ShowOne//Branch if Equal to ShowOne
   5:     LDI    R18, 0x02    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x02
   6:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
   7:         BREQ ShowTwo//Branch if Equal to ShowOne
   8:     LDI    R18, 0x03    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x03
   9:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
  10:         BREQ ShowThr//Branch if Equal to ShowOne
  11:     LDI    R18, 0x04    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x04
  12:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
  13:         BREQ ShowFou//Branch if Equal to ShowOne
  14:     LDI    R18, 0x05    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x05
  15:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
  16:         BREQ ShowFiv//Branch if Equal to ShowOne
  17:     LDI    R18, 0x06    //Load Immediate R18, with 0x06
  18:     CP    R16, R18    //Compare R16 and R18
  19:         BREQ ShowSix//Branch if Equal to ShowSix
  20: RJMP ShowResult

One more important consideration here is Low Power Mode, and automatic turn off (We are running on batteries here, after all). In the final code, I have included a low power and auto turn of routine. This checks to see if the dice is not used for 4 Seconds or more, and then turns off the display and puts the processor and other peripherals in a low power state. See the video of operation below to get a good idea of how this works.

Ok, thats it!! All Done now!!
And it Works!! :D

Video of Operation:


Thats all folks, Untill Next Time!! If you like this entry, Leave a message and Digg this article. Messages always make my day. :)